

“The notorious and prolific Cleveland cult, Midnight, have been slaying the metal/punk underground with their own, highly addictive brand of lust, filth, and sleaze dating back to the band’s inception in 2003. Filthy, belligerent and obnoxious, Midnight make music to start fighting.” Says the American record label Metal Blade about this heavy/black/thrash/speed metal cult act. Which for years consisted of just one person (the completely black-clad and masked Athenar – real name: Jamie Walters) and since 2003 has released a load of demos, splits and EPs with not exactly romantic songs such as ‘You Can’t Stop Steel’, ‘Fucking Speed ​​And Darkness’, ‘Expect Total Hell’ and the manic ‘FOAL’ (fuck off and leave). Subtle as a German Panzerkampfwagen from WWII, and primitively animalistic as a mating Neanderthal on GHB and poppers.